I was 23 when I started to work with affirmations for the first time. I was just introduced to “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and it immediately sucked me into the world of manifestation. I was affirming like a banshee all day and sometimes even night with little to no success.

It took me some years to understand that mindless affirming isn’t enough. I must get my body and emotions involved in the process, too. I could walk around all day affirming that “I am rich. I am a millionaire.” but I wouldn’t feel it. I felt like a fraud, repeating a lie with each sentence and the money wasn’t pouring in.

It is scientifically proven that every thought we think creates a chemical response in the brain and body. That chemical response creates a vibration that gets reflected back to us as our experiences, feelings, emotions, and interactions. Because the brain and the body want to be in sync with each other, every thought we think is accepted by the body as truth.

The world is like a big mirror—consistently reflecting our beliefs back to us. Our life experiences are based on what we believe about ourselves, our lives, and the world.

Most of us aren’t aware of it but we are affirming our reality all the time!
When you say, “I’m tired” you’re affirming.
When you say, “I can’t do this” you’re affirming.
When you say, “That guy would date someone like me” you’re affirming.
When you say, “I’m hungry,” you’re affirming.
Every single thing you think and belief consciously or subconsciously and whatever  say to yourself, out loud or in your head, is an affirmation creating your life experience for you.

For new affirmations (or beliefs) to work, you have to practice them consistently so you create a new chemical memory in your body. You need to teach your body a new state of being in order to attract or manifest new experiences.

If your chosen affirmations aren’t working, it’s because you don’t believe them yet, you don’t have a strong emotional charge behind the words.

A New Way to Use Affirmations

For me, affirmations really started to work when I started to work on rewiring my brain after trauma. You don’t need to be recovering from any kind of trauma to start working on rewiring your brain.

I realized that majority of my thoughts, beliefs and thinking patterns became very negative and until I didn’t change the tone of my inner dialogue, I didn’t see any progress with my affirmations, or most of my manifestations. I started to monitor myself as much as I possibly could and create a map for my brain, my thoughts and my bodily responses first. Then the real work began: changing the way I talk to myself and the lens I used to filter the world around me.

Think back to yesterday and be honest: how many times did you ask yourself a negative question? How many times did you state something negative?

Maybe you say similar things as I used to:

“Why is it always me who gets forgotten?”

“Why is this so hard for me?”

“I am not good with numbers.”

“Everyone thinks I’m a terrible driver.”

“How could I do such a dumb thing?”

“It seems like everything is working out for everyone but me.”

I bet you realized how many of this things you say, too or something very similar. And I get it, it feels crappy when you realize that your world view is much darker than you thought it to be.

My big breakthrough came when I started to change up the energy without resistance and started asking myself positive, open-ended questions.

Here are some of my favorites:

“How does everything always work out for me so well?”

“How do I have so many loving and supporting people in my life?”

“Why are people always giving me money?”

“Why do people always want to help me?”

“How am I so lucky all the time?”

“Why am I constantly receiving gifts?”

“Why does everyone like me so much?”

“How does money flow to me so consistently?”

“How do I always know what to do and when to do it?”

For me, questions work better than statements. Here’s why:

Traditional affirmations can bring up resistance in your brain. Your frontal lobe  always wants to keep you safe. When you say a traditional affirmation like, “I am rich,” your frontal lobe scans your entire brain to make sure it’s true. Then, it argues with you because it wants you to know where you stand so you remain alive.

Your frontal lobe might reply with something like, “You? Rich? Nice joke! You’re in debt up to your eyeballs and you have $12 in your account.”

This leads you into deeper despair, creating more low vibrating energy in and around your body, which gets bigger through the Law of Attraction because like attracts like.

Less resistance = more openness to a new ideas.

When you start to disrupt the existing chemical responses your body has become used to, it all breaks loose! Our brain views change as a threat. This is often why we can’t get the results we want: the brain needs time to create  new chemical signatures so the old ones fall away.

When you send your cells a new chemical, they’re “suspicious”. They want the “hit” of the chemicals they’re familiar with: anger, doubt, fear, envy. Now, you’re trying to send them love chemicals and they’re not used to that. In fact, they may downright revolt depending on how strong their addition to anger, fear, or self-hate is. This is why consistency and persisting is key.

Energy flows where your attention goes. Your brain likes to fall back on programs (habits of thought) so it can preserve energy. You need to teach your cells new chemicals and you do that by changing what you are focusing on. 

Saying an affirmation for one day is not going to change anything. You need to use the new “askfirmations” all the time. You need to implement them more than your current beliefs and chemical signatures. You need to teach your brain and body a new story and identity.

You’re gonna start to feel so good because now, you’re literally vibrating higher. You’re sending a new chemical signature to your cells and they are “expressing” a new emotion: love, happiness, satisfaction, and joy. That’s how you change your state of being.

Will you start to use “askfirmations” from now on?

I’d love to know in the comments!

Raised by the Wolf is an online magazine for Wild Women, focusing on topics as lifestyle, feminine reWilding, arts, health and wellness and spirituality.


Read more about our ethos and masthead here.

Unleash Your Inner Wild Woman