My prayer is that you come back to yourself, that you return home, over and over again.
My prayer is that you deepen your trust for yourself, that you will always know the way.
My prayer is for you to have the courage to listen and act upon divine guidance, intuition, your inner knowing.
My prayer is that you live in total, absolute, limitless freedom.
My prayer is for your unimaginable happiness.
My prayer is for your infinite abundance.
My prayer is that you trust your ability to be on your own healing journey while simultaneously holding space for others to navigate their own.
My prayer is that you form a deeper connection to the earth, your ancestors, and all of the unseen wisdom available to you.
My prayer is that you cultivate forgiveness and grace when you find yourself reliving old patterns and habits.
My prayer is that you have the discernment to know what is not meant for you, and the discipline to walk away from it.
My prayer is for you to always find the strength and resilience to keep re-aligning with your divine path.
My prayer is that you continue to find clarity on what that divine path looks like, and that you have the ability to surrender to the unknown with trust, love, and an untamed imagination.
My prayer is that you love deeper, harder, and unconditionally,
that you allow yourself to feel EVERYTHING,
that you have the ability to sit with discomfort,
that you live in fierce accordance with your values,
that you are in the highest service to yourself and others.
My prayer is that you find the way, the courage, the dedication, to break down everything you have ever tried to be, and get back to the core of you, your true essence, the most authentic, beautiful, and self expressed version of you.
My prayer is that you stop apologizing, stop playing small, stop trying to fit into anyone else’s idea of who you should be.
My prayer is that you sparkle and shine and relish in your own magic, more and more every day.
My prayer is that you come back to yourself, that you return home,over and over again.
These are my prayers for you, and for me.

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