Divine woman,
The next level version of you isn’t waiting for permission,
She’s not full of self doubts,
She doesn’t beat herself up anymore for not knowing what she doesn’t know.
She doesn’t fold when there is pressure, she rises to the challenge every time,
She doesn’t blame others, she takes full responsibility for her life,
She doesn’t collapse, she allows.
She doesn’t wait for things to change to take action.
She doesn’t desire another woman’s life because every day she is in awe of the dream life she created.
She doesn’t need someone to constantly tell her what to do, she knows what to do and she does it, without excuses.
She has the “Whatever it takes” energy.
She turns heads everywhere she goes,
She’s magnetic,
Divine & holy,
Wild and deep,
Inspiring & her essence highly intoxicating.
She has remembered who she is.
She knows she goes further and faster in her life surrounded by other powerful women.
She continues to invest into herself.
She sees the results because she’s committed to results.
More importantly, she’s committed to her evolution more than instant results.
She knows her power and she will never forget it again.
When you “forget” your vision,
Tune into your future self,
And she will always remind you of who you are and where your going.
If you desire to collapse time and meet your future self sooner than you could ever dreamed of.

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