What Is A Full Moon Ritual?

A Full Moon Ritual is a series of intentional and symbolic actions you take on the night of the Full Moon to tap into the spiritual, healing, and manifestation potential of the Full Moon energy.

Moon rituals have ancient origins and the power of the moon has throughout history captivated and fascinated humanity.

The Moon is the closest celestial body to Earth, and its gravitational pull and energy has long been known to have an impact on everything from the Oceans tides, farming and fishing practices, to personal moods, energy levels, and manifestation results.

While each phase of the Lunar Cycle carries a unique energetic significance, the moons energy is by far the most noticeable around the time of the Full Moon.

The Full Moon marks a time of energetic culmination and an explosion of spiritual energy on the inner planes.

Full Moon energy has a way of stirring up emotions and heightening psychic sensitivity. The Full Moon is a time when the faery and elemental realms are more active, and the subtle vibrations of the higher spiritual realms become more easily felt, accessed and reached.

The Full Moon also has a profound way of revealing what was once hidden in the shadows on a personal and collective level.

Symbolically, and by shining a light into the darkness of night, the Full Moon energy has a way of revealing what is no longer serving you, and what needs to be healed, integrated or released so you can continue to progress on your path of living your most vibrant life.

Because the Full Moon is a time of heightened spiritual energy, it is a wonderful time for meditation, cleansing and recharging your energy, healing, and for releasing and shedding the old to allow your highest divine potential to manifest in your life.

Our ancestors were much more connected to the night sky, and the cycles and rhythms of nature than we are today. The moon was observed for practical purposes like optimizing farming and fertility, as well as for sacred and ceremonial events and celebrations.

Through a Full Moon Ritual you’re able to reconnect with the rhythm and harmony of nature present in all of life… To honor the cycles of life and realign with the deep wisdom and guidance present within the earth, and written in the moon, sky and stars.

What are some of the Wild Woman's Full Moon Rituals?

Perform a Releasing Ceremony

Write down everything you wish to release and let go of. It can be thoughts, behavior patterns, emotions, etc. Stand under the moonlight and read your list out loud. If you can’t go outside, do so by a window. You can do this even if you don’t see the Moon. Burn your list and give thanks to the Moon. This is a perfect time to burn the New Moon Abundance checks if you wrote one before.

Full Moon Blessing

This simple Full Moon blessing is one that I have been using since I was 13 each Full Moon. This can be employed at the end of any additional rituals you are doing or on its own as an easy blessing.

“The kind fates have blessed my home

The kind fates have blessed my heart

The kind fate has blessed my loved ones

I offer thanks with a humble heart

I thank the Goddess for my life

I thank the Goddess for my love

I thank the goddess for continued blessings already on their way.

Blessed be.”


Full Moon Charging

The illumination of the Full Moon is a time of recharging and restoring energy to crystals and magical tools which can be extended to you as well.


Take some time to soak up the replenishing and invigorating energies of the moonlight taking into you the cleansing flow that comes. This is a time of renewal and release the things that have been blocking your energy. Picture the Full Moon light moving through you and clearing you of these energies leaving you glowing and free.

Use the full moon as a chance to charge your sacred tools such as tarot cards, crystals, stones, paint brushes, books,canvases,  anything that can benefit from some lunar blessings from Mother Moon and cleanse them from any built up unwanted energy. A simple charging for these items is to place them where they will be bathed in the Full Moon light, offer your intentions (pure creative potential, divine inspiration, sight into the sacred, a channel of truth, etc) and offer a blessing of thanks for the energy and illumination that is being imbued by the Mother Moon. If you can’t get them in direct moonlight, setting them in a windowsill works too.

Take a Soul Cleansing Bath!

Grab candles, incense, oils, flowers, water safe crystals, music, anything that makes your soul feel refreshed and cleansed and have an amazing powerful soul cleansing bath.

Take a Soul Releasing Shower

You can do this either in the morning and take your bath in the evening, or do it instead of the ritual bath.

Feel the warmth of the water rush down your body. As it does imagine all the things you wish to release. Any built up toxic energy within your body and within your life. Envision it all flowing down the drain, releasing from you into a pool of light.

Cleanse the Clutter in your Home

The full moon tends to mark a big build-up of energy—both light and dark. This makes it the perfect time to cleanse your space; remove or let go of any of that built-up energy you no longer feel like harnessing, capturing or otherwise holding onto. Consider smudging your home or re-watching Marie Kondo’s Netflix show and implement the things that resonate with you. Live by the mantra “let everything that doesn’t belong to me go”—even if just for tonight.


Light a candle and before you begin it’s important to put your protections up. I like to envision a golden cloak of protection where only pure intentions of love and light can come through. Envision yourself placing the hood over your head. I like to actually do the motion as I envision it. Ask Spirit to be with you and to send any messages that you’re meant to receive and be open to receiving them.

Try this Meditation
Let Go of Emotional Baggage

As you engage in self-reflection, you may notice patterns, behaviors or relationships that aren’t getting you any closer to the life you want. Maybe they’re even detracting from it. Use this full moon as a reminder to let them go—or at least, as an opportunity to contemplate why they’re still there.

Turn on Some Music and Just Dance

Dancing helps shake loose any stagnant energy that may be stuck onto you. Be wild, be free and dance in the moonlight as you feel her energy.

Show Extra Love to your Hair

Does your hair need some extra loving?
Wonderful! More self care! Which I truly love. The Full Moon is a good time to trim those locks and release the dead energy and weight dragging you down.

Moon Bathe

Go outside and sit, stand or lay in the Moon and soak up all the beautiful, enchanting energy she has to offer.

Check your To-Do List

Did you make a to-do/manifestation list during the latest new moon? Or just recently, at all? Now’s the perfect moment to revisit it and check in on your progress. Are you closer to accomplishing your goals than you were a few weeks ago? If so, continue taking steps to further your progress. If not, ask yourself why. Be proactive, and devise a plan for getting there.You may also notice some of those goals no longer resonate with you. That’s OK—that’s, in fact, much of what full moons are about. Let them go, or modify things as you see fit. Don’t cling to the person you were when you first penned this list—accept yourself as you are now.

Make Full Moon Water
Set your water out under the Full Moon energy. If you can’t set it outside then the windowsill will work. Use glass if you have it. You can set a crystal grid around it or you can put crystals inside for extra infusion. Make sure you research what crystals are toxic and also if they can be in water. You can add different herbs as each has a magical property. Sit with your water and infuse it with the intention you desire. Leave out under the moonlight and retrieve in the morning.
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