The days between the holidays might be the perfect time to look back on our year & ask ourselves what wisdom we can take away to the new year with us. Use the winter journal prompts below to help you dive deep into the energies of this season!

Our bodies are naturally connected to the energies of nature, and as a woman you might be even more prone to feel this. So there’s no wonder that you’re feeling more tired, more introverted, a bit pensive & more thoughtful than usual.


If you’re feeling burnt out and fatigued during this time of year, it may be time for an energetic shift in your body.


The winter solstice  is the darkest day of the year, inviting us to dive deep into more subtle ways of being and living. We’re called to spend more time indoors, by ourselves. After the solstice, we welcome back the slow but steady return of the sun. As the year ends, gaining perspective on the experiences and growth you had can help you identify patterns, learn from your mistakes, and celebrate your achievements. 


One way to do this is through journaling. Writing down your thoughts and experiences in a journal or just on a piece of paper, allows you to capture the essence of what you’ve gone through over the year.


In this post, I’ve compiled some end-of-year journaling prompts to help you wrap up the year and set the stage for a fresh start for the year to come.



To get into a reflective mood, set aside some quiet time. Choose a comfortable space where you can focus and be chill. Minimize distractions by turning off notifications on your phone or computer. Light a candle, dim the lights in the room if you can, or even put on some relaxing music. To calm the mind and center yourself, you can start with meditation before starting.


Journal Prompts

  • How do you feel about the past year?
  • What were some of your favorite successes from this year?
  • What were some of your challenges? What did you learn from these?
  • What are some moments of joy you experienced this year?
  • What are you leaving behind this year?
  • How did you prioritize your well-being this year?
  • What strengths did you discover in yourself this year?
  • What were the most valuable lessons?
  • Who made a difference in your life this year?
  • What are some moments you are thankful for from the past year?
  • What was the biggest risk you took? How did it turn out? What did you learn from it?
  • How did your relationships change this year?
  • How have you changed over the past year?
  • In what ways have you impacted the lives of others this year?
  • When did I feel the most present this year?
  • What new opportunities became available this year?
  • In what ways did you step out of your comfort zone?
  • What do you hope to carry over from this year to the next?
  • How did you express your wild woman this year?

Raised by the Wolf is an online magazine for Wild Women, focusing on topics as lifestyle, feminine reWilding, arts, health and wellness and spirituality.


Read more about our ethos and masthead here.

Unleash Your Inner Wild Woman

After reflection

After completing this journaling session, you may feel a greater sense of satisfaction, clarity and closure about the past year. With this fresh perspective, I hope you are ready to face the new year with a greater sense of clarity and purpose.

I hope you have a blessed holiday season – and can find a few moments to reflect and find your true magic.