Imola is a nomadic writer, yoga teacher & Feminine ReWilding mentor.

xo Imola
Embodied Rituals for Wild Women
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Hands up if you think of yourself as a modern Wild Woman?
We live in a modern jungle where our lives are sped up. We spend our times juggling with so many tasks, work, home life, kids, food prep, working out, staying social and what not… but is this really what we are built for?

We didn’t even notice but our lives lack rituals.

What are rituals?

Rituals are sequences of repeatable acts, called “rites”, performed by way of specific methodology adhering to certain occasions (from self-care to marriage).

Often mistaken for habits, rituals involve the execution of conscious and deliberate actions.


Rituals are often markers or catalysts for energetic shifts. Rituals also assist in renewal of self, support connection within community and keep tradition alive in a conscious way. On may levels, rituals help us become more in tune with what is truly meaningful; that which is of so much importance it stands the test of time.

As women it is especially power to practice rituals as we are tuning into our natural grace and shakti (the feminine creative impulse of the universe).

There are different types of rituals, some as simple as lighting incense or a candle in your home during sunrise and sunset to attune to the energy of the sun, as well as invoke inner illumination. Blessing your food before you eat it is also a beautiful ritual. Creating sacred space in your home is a beautiful place to start if you would like to bring more ritual into your life.

“A ritual is the enactment of a myth. And, by participating in the ritual, you are participating in the myth. And since myth is a projection of the depth wisdom of the psyche, by participating in a ritual, participating in the myth, you are being, as it were, put in accord with that wisdom, which is the wisdom that is inherent within you anyhow. Your consciousness is being re-minded of the wisdom of your own life. I think ritual is terribly important.” –Joseph Campbell

There is incredible power in practicing daily rituals in our lives.



🪶 Rituals nourish the soul.

🪶 Rituals deepen the mysteries of life

🪶 Rituals connect us with our ancestors

🪶 Rituals create community

How starting rituals can change your life?

Starting daily rituals can transform your life. It is making an intention that you are going to take charge of your day. A daily ritual sets you up for success. Each of us have different rituals that work for them to ensure they are aligned with what they want. Most of the world’s most successful people know the power of creating a great daily ritual.

It may be a meditation to still the mind or you may want to direct your thoughts to ensure a strong mindset or do an exercise to feel inspired and empowered. The goal is to consciously focus attention and energy to create the life you love. Having a morning ritual is literally to become the master of your life. 

Throughout the centuries and in cultures around the world rituals have played an important role in the daily lives of human beings. Rituals celebrate all kinds of transitions in our life-cycle and help us move on from one life-stage to another.


Rituals put us in the context of a tradition, in the context of our history. When we do rituals we use symbols, texts, gestures and movements that have been practiced since the beginning of humanity. We don’t have to invent the wheel as there’s a rich tradition we can tap into. Many symbols used in rituals have proven to be meaningful to people throughout centuries and across cultures: think, for example of how light, darkness, water, flowers, earth, the sun, the moon have been used in ritual acts.

My morning rituals

When I was in India each day we performed a personal puja, which can be done in one’s home each morning to attune to the energy of the goddess and refine one’s consciousness, taking on her qualities. Puja is a ritual that brings us into a state of receptivity, receptive to the state of grace because grace is ever present. Puja allows us to offer our love back to existence, to connect to the vertical love which frees. The puja consists of different offerings of the elements- earth, water, air and fire, to the goddess along with a specific sequence of mantras to invoke her qualities. We do these offerings to the goddess, as she is an extension of our own self. It’s a beautiful way to start the day, in a space of devotion love and surrender.


Starting right after returning from my Indian trip, I started to build my morning ritual and it’s ever growing and changing sine then, just as I also change and grow.


I used to wake up before sunrise but now I give more time for myself, still I naturally wake up around 5.40-6am. My morning ritual that starts with a “digital detox” right away. I had to set a strong boundary with myself. I wake up and the first thing I do is to reach for my water bottle, drink up and meditate for 10-20 minutes before even getting out of bed. This way I am able to step into my own energy field right away in the morning, instead of scrolling through social median and taking on everyone else’s energy.


After I finish my meditation I do some stretches, still in bed. Then take some time to think about the day ahead and give thanks for at least 3 things that I am looking forward to during the day.


Then, I get out of bed and make a nice cup of warm drink. I try to avoid coffee but I love the taste, so if I drink coffee in the morning I aim for decaf or go for some delicious milky tea or golden milk or hot cocoa.


The rest of my morning ritual changes from day to day depending on my mood, energy levels and the things ahead of me, but I always make sure I follow with yoga, usually ashtanga. Sometimes I do a 30 minute workout after, my pranayama and kundalini exercises and another short meditation to finish it up.


I take some time each morning to read, journal, go on a walk in nature, listen to uplifting music, dance or do some chiqong exercises. I pull a tarot card for the day or a crystal oracle card if I feel like I need some clarity or guidance. I try to avoid looking at my phone until 10am.


If I have extra time I perform my yoni egg workout, take a nice hot-cold shower and wash my hair before I prepare a healthy breakfast for myself.


Now I know this all sounds like a lot, but trust me it’s completely worth it. Once you get into the routine of performing your rituals, it really doesn’t take long at all. You will begin to feel the benefits immediately, and wish you would have started earlier! And you don’t have to start with a lot. Just start with 1 or 2 and with time you can add more or change it depending on what serves you or what the season is or what is your current life situation.


Rituals to awaken your inner Wild Woman

I created a guide that with easy to follow embodied self-care rituals that will help you to awaken your inner Wild Woman.

With these simple practices you can start your journey home to yourself, to discover your Inner Wild Woman.

These everyday rituals will help you to awaken and connect with your divine Wild Woman energy, and build your own supporting rituals.