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Embodying the Wold Woman Archetype is very complex. It covers all areas of our lives, including the way we eat. Being “wild” when it comes to eat doesn’t mean that you just eat whatever. Wild Women are deeply in touch with their authentic selves, and their bodies and they treat themselves accordingly.



A Wild Woman doesn’t follow diet trends that are limited to fashion, she is in tune with her inner cycles and her body’s needs. As wolves, she follows her appetite intuitively and selects her food with respect for herself. She nourishes herself intuitively.



Every body is unique so what works for one person, might not work for another. Tapping into how your body feels is an art. It takes practice, but this skill can give way to the opportunity to ebb and flow with the changing needs of your personal vessel.

How to eat intuitively?

Intuitive eating helps you to tune out external messaging, like the harmful rules and rhetoric of diet culture, and tune in to your own body signals—hunger, fullness, cravings, etc. The goal is to break free from cycles of chronic binging and deprivation, emotional consequences of those behaviors, and heal your relationship with food. Intuitive eating rejects metrics like calories, macros, and points and embraces a more compassionate approach to nutrition.

To eat intuitively, you may need to re-learn how to trust your body. To start with that, you need to distinguish between physical and emotional hunger:

🪶 Physical hunger – a biological urge that tells you to replenish nutrients. It builds gradually and has different signals, such as a growling stomach, fatigue, or irritability. It’s satisfied when you eat any food.

🪶 Emotional hunger – is driven by emotional need. Sadness, loneliness, and boredom are some of the feelings that can create cravings for food, often comfort foods. Eating then causes guilt and self-hatred.

There are some principles of intuitive eating but they aren’t intended to be followed “as another rigid set of rules.”

Here are the ones that resonate with me the most:

🪶 Challenge your food police: Ignore the critical voice in your head that is telling you foods are either “good” or “bad.” You aren’t what you eat.

🪶 Respect your body: Accept and embrace your body as it is now. Focus on what it does for you every day rather than what it looks like.

🪶  Movement: Do you love yoga? Enjoy Hula-Hooping? Martial arts? Find activities that leave you energized and focus on how the movement makes you feel.

🪶 Honor your hunger: It’s easy to misinterpret tiredness and dehydration for hunger. Avoid mistaking dehydration for hunger, drink up. Food is also the greatest distraction, especially from emotional discomfort. Pause before reaching for your favorite junk or comfort food and ask your body, am I truly hungry right now? Every BODY is different and many variables lend to who needs what and how much. Don’t compare your plate to anyone else’s.

The easiest way to find out what works best for you and tune into your body and how you feel about eating and food is through journaling.


Here are some of my favorite journal prompts I work on with my clients when they starting out with intuitive eating:

🪶 How does food make you feel?

Take note of how your body physically feels when you eat specific foods or try different practices (less carbs, more fat, less fat, more carbs). Ask yourself: How did this food make me feel after I ate it? Did it make me lethargic and only sustain me for an hour or so? Did it give me energy to focus on whatever I have lined up for the remainder of the day? Did it make me bloated? Got a headache? Did I have regular bowel movements or constipation? Map out the foods, meals, meal-times that resonate best for you and build around that. 

🪶 Check in with your energy levels

Do you feel like you need a nap immediately after eating? Feel energized and sustained for longer stretches of time? Have brain fog or have laser focus?

🪶“When I love myself I drink/eat _____.”

Shifting our narrative to a voice of self-love/nourishment, can impact the choices we make. “When I love myself I drink __(more water)___ & ___(eat more fruits)___.

Need more help with intuitive eating?

Sign up for 1:1 health coaching we can work out together what is the best for You.


Book a FREE discovery call below to see if we are a good fit to work together.

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