The Wild Woman Archetype

The Wild Woman is awakened, untamed and fierce. She belongs to herself and unequivocally defies the status quo while she moves to the beat of her own drum. She is the protector of our inner fire, a guiding light and authentic spirit. 

The Wild Woman is deeply connected to her intuition – she is sure of herself, her needs and her desires. She seeks to spend time with Mother Nature. She is confident and demands abundance for herself. She focuses her energy on her inner fulfillment. She is the Archetype we ignite when we need to break rules or set ourselves free from the cultural programming that tries to force us to abandon ourselves.

Wild woman is the health of all women. Without her, women’s psychology makes no sense… She canalizes through women. If they are suppressed, she struggles upward. If women are free, she is free. Fortunately, no matter how many times she is pushed down, she bounds up again. No matter how many times she is forbidden, quelled, cut back, diluted, tortured, touted as unsafe, dangerous, mad and other derogations, she emanates upward in women, so that even the quietest, even the most restrained woman keeps a secret place for her.” Clarissa Pinkola Estés – Women Who Run With The Wolves

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Wild Woman is a healer and we activate her when we conduct healing work on our shadow selves. Regardless of how emotionally charged a situation is, a woman who exhibits strong Wild Woman energy can detach and focus her emotions inward. She can objectively observe her thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns for personal growth.

Wild Woman enjoys solitude and pursuits it through meditation, yoga, sensual dance, volunteering, and exploring her psychic energy and spirituality.

Her greatest strengths are her ability to reflect inward, her serene calmness, deep concentration, and creativity. The Wild Woman is comfortable with who she is and rejects the roles that others have tried to force on her. A common misconception in our society is that a Wild Woman is an out-of-control, crazy woman.

A Wild Woman is a woman who has returned to herself and her true nature. When a woman goes through her awakening, her Wild Woman will call to her. She will call and call and not be silenced until she is heard. Many women go crazy trying to silence her or turn off the light that has been ignited in them by their Wild Woman trying to awaken them. But we are not meant to silence her. Nor are we meant to put out the light. We are meant to hear HER, become HER and feed the light until it is a blazing fire, because this is where our true purpose, joy and abundance live.

Do you want to be to find out more about the Wild Woman Archetype?
Sign up for my Feminine ReWilding Course.

The Feral Wild Woman Archetype

The Feral Wild Woman is a Wild Woman who was once wild but then she got trapped and she won her freedom back. She has endured many years of domestication and been forced to live her life trapped in the roles, responsibilities and other people’s expectations of who they think she should be which have deadened her sense of who she really is.

Being a newly liberated Feral Wild Woman is an vulnerable and sensitive period in a woman’s life. After her many years of domestication, she is finally free and is filled with rage and sense of power of her newly acquired wildness. However, because she has been conditioned to place her trust in others, and because of her time in captivity, she has lost the connection with her instincts and intuition.

Many Feral Wild Women are easily caught by new cages and poisons such as drugs, alcohol or damaging relationships that seek to tame them again. Feral Wild Women can be chaotic and destructive and or isolate themselves in their own world.

Without firm participation with the wild nature, a woman starves and falls into an obsession of ‘feel better,’ ‘leave me alone’ and ‘love me—please’.
Clarissa Pinkola Estés

All women are given one of two choices; submit and obey or get burned at a stake just like our witch grandmothers. We are either labelled as ‘nice’ or ‘good girls’ – women who do as they are told, and conform to societal norms. Or we are labelled as ‘bad’ and ‘rebels’.

Many women are fearful of their inner Wild Woman and her transformational power. They are frightened of who they will be or how their lives will change if they acknowledge her and embrace her. Many women are afraid of what others will say or how they will act once they reject old roles and reveal who they truly are.

But you know there is so much more for you. That there is something freer, more real, and more meaningful that you should be doing which is quickly followed by a sadness that you cannot quite articulate. If it is as if there is a distant self, calling out to you from beyond the horizon that you are trying to reach but as much as you try, you just can’t get to her… This is your Wild Woman stirring inside of you, calling to you to awaken from the dream of domestication.

The price of this freedom, the fierce self and true, more beautiful and meaningful life is the old version of you. The Wild Woman’s true nature is to make you feel more yourself, to heal and not harm. You can ignore her, but she will keep calling you.

When the Wild Woman is honored, she becomes a co-creator in your life. She nourishes you within your relationship with her. She gives you strength, courage, and insight into yourself, showing you things that you forgot even lived inside of you.

Do you want to be to find out more about the Wild Woman Archetype?
Sign up for my Feminine ReWilding Course.

Raised by the Wolf is an online magazine for Wild Women, focusing on topics as lifestyle, feminine reWilding, arts, health and wellness and spirituality.


Read more about our ethos and masthead here.

Unleash Your Inner Wild Woman