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This spiced apple is a classic Ayurvedic breakfast recipe (also included in my 3-day Kitchari Cleanse Program).

According to Ayurveda, not only you need to consider the foods that you eat but also the cooking method you use to prepare them.

Starting the day with stewed apple builds an appetite for lunch, stimulates regular bowel movements, increases vitality and provides a light but satisfying breakfast – perfect for easing you into the day rather than shocking the system which has been resting, by tucking into a heavy meal. 


Best eaten first thing in the morning, fruit is much more easily digested when it is cooked, especially in colder weather. It’s also important to eat fruits on their own. Combination of foods can determine how well you digest a meal.

To incorporate this as part of your cleanse + reset sign up here.

Why apples?

Apples are Vata dosha aggravating, meaning that because of their astringent quality they may make more severe the qualities of dryness, coldness, and gas formation.

If you have Pitta or Kapha dosha, especially if you are living in cold climate, you may have noticed these signs too. Using apples, even though astringent in nature, can help relieve these signs when properly cooked and antidoted with the right spices.

This light breakfast is perfect when feeling heavy and bloated.
As apples are cooked with spices that aid in your digestion, they are the perfect option to have an easy-to-digest yet satisfying meal that is both delicious and healing.

There’s a lot of pectin in this dish which naturally found in apples. It’s great at promoting healing of torn mucus membranes and the binding of stool. This recipe is fantastic for intestinal bleeding and ulceration.

If Pitta is your body type, reduce the amounts of cinnamon and cloves and add a little bit of rose water to alleviate any Pitta derangement. The rose is cooling, yet it enhances your digestive fire which renders it tridoshic or appropriate for all three doshas.


Serves 1

1 fresh apple, peeled and cored*
5 whole cloves
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 cup water (or more)**
1 star anise
a pinch of turmeric


  1. Chop the apples into slices, and in half again if you like for a quicker cook.

  2. Add the apples, water, cinnamon, cloves and star anise and turmeric, if using, to small pot. Cover and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes or until tender. Make sure not to let it dry out – add a splash of water if necessary.

  3. Serve warm. If there is any liquid left you can drink it as a tea, and even cook the cut off peels in it.



If you have weak digestion or if the peel is particularly tough then peel the apple.
If you’ve got blood sugar issues it’s best to avoid this recipe.
You can use this recipe as a topping to various dishes or use as the base for a crumble.


Imola is a registered Hatha & Ashtanga Yoga Instructor and a certified Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach based in Budapest, Hungary who is passionate about helping women live healthier lifestyles, improve their digestion, and feel more confident in their skin! She uses the approaches of Yoga, Mindfulness, Ayurveda, Intermittent Fasting, and Ayurveda in her health consultations and 3/6 Month Programs with her beautiful clients. When she is not holding Yoga classes, writing gluten-free vegan recipes for PeacefulDumpling.com or talking to her clients, you can find her walking in nature, taking photos, practicing yoga, or attempting to perfect her knitting skills.