What is ReWilding?

Feminine ReWilding is a process of restoring our inner landscape and lifestyle to a more primal and natural state. In this case, we are welcoming home our instincts and innate connection with the natural world. It’s a process of reawakening the essential nature that lives within each of us.

It is looking within to find the divine spark that connects us to all other beings and the universe. It is about honoring our natural cycles and rhythms of nature while connecting to our truest selves and returning to our roots.


ReWilding is remembering. We all have a deep well of creativity, healing and wisdom within us but most of us have forgotten how to get in touch with it.

I also believe, as we are all different, the world “wild” has a different definition for each of us. Hence when it comes to describing the Wild Woman Archetype, we find that it may be the widest definition of all the archetypes. In the end, Wild Woman is our essence, who we were before we got conditioned, before the world told us who we have to be, how to behave, what we should do, etc. Wild Woman is the real, raw version of You.

What is Manifesting?

Manifesting mean bringing something tangible into your life. It is based on the idea of your thoughts and beliefs creating your reality. In New Age Spirituality, manifesting can be so man things, I can’t even count it. Some say it’s enough to think positive, other have a whole armada of set rules how to use it, for some it even gets mathematical with the angel numbers coming in the frame. I even consider witchcraft as a way of manifesting. 

But why do I bring this into the picture?

Let me tell you my story first (this is going to be a lenghty post, thank you for reading!). When I was around 22, I was depressed. I barely left my bed for 2 years. I developed a kidney disease meanwhile and ended up being hospitalized just on time before I almost lost my life. It was after I was released from the hospital, that I came across the book called “The Secret” and first learned about the law of attraction. I think the book wasn’t even translated to my native language yet.

I really got into it, as I had nothing left to lose. I might even give it a try. Since then I learned a lot about the law of attraction (LOA) and manifested many things in my life – I got a free smart phone, my dream job, moving to my dream city into my dream apartment, my fiancé, travels… just to name a few. 

LOA focuses on your current vibration. It’s the idea of becoming the same frequency as your desire so you attract it to you. Well, it worked for me for a while. Until my fiancé turned out to be a narcissist I got attracted to through my unhealed childhood trauma and my underlying beliefs I developed as I grew up. For another period I got depressed again and was unable to manifest barely anything good into my life. I had small successes but nothing really big, so I started to think that I am incapable of manifesting. I might just got lucky that time when everything was working out, I was in the flow, whatever but now I am not.

I totally gave up

During the “healing years” while I was working on my own healing process, doing lots of journalig, shadow work, hypnotheraphy, rewiring my nervous system… I developed a process for myself that helped me tremendously – I built my program “Feminine ReWilding” based on my own process as well – and one day I realized I’m back to the “flow” again. 

Not long ago I found another book on manifesting on a different approach, the law of assumption via Neville Goddard. As I read through his books, I had many AHA moments and great realizations about how my brain and my belief system changed during the trauma with the narcissist and how I still had some underlying beliefs that hold me back from manifesting what I want. The reason why I was able to get back into the flow state where things worked out was because I got back into thinking patterns and beleif systems I had back then too. 

My biggest realization was to find out that my “method”, ReWilding is pretty much based on the same idea. Which is instead of working hard to force yourself to be on a constant frequency of your desires (which why it works when it works but then people fail, because it’s impossible to keep up a certain vibration the whole time) you simply change your perspective on the things and yourself and simply step into it, or become. 

What do I mean by this? You might be confused, but it’s no brain surgery. (Though I found it to be quite the same as quantuum phisycs, but let’s not get into this. If you’re interested to talk about such, I’m pretty open to chat and excited to meet people who are open to talk about such theories so feel free to message me!)

Your Concept of Self is Key

Have you heard of “self concept” before? Self-concept is the image we have of ourselves, how we perceive our behaviors, abilities, and unique characteristics.. It is influenced by many forces, including our interaction with important people in our lives, beliefs we inherited from our parents.

What happened to me during that phase while I was living with my narcissist ex-fiancé was that my self-concept changed. Through the manipulations and gaslighting I started to question and abandon my old beliefs and I worked myself up to, and my childhood trauma and beliefs got activated again. I just recently found my old journal from that time and I felt so sorry for that girl I used to be. It was clear from my writings that I became codependent, I placed my focus outside of myself (on my partner) and abandoned myself, believing if I give him enough love, care, affection etc he is going to give it back to me. I placed him on a pedestal and my life centered around him. All my manifestations came from a place of lack and all my focus was on what I didn’t want to see and trying to change that by asking for it and waiting for it to happen. 

What I see on my clients is the same, they do not work with self concept at all. Their focus is outside themselves, on other people and how they behave, on outside circumstances and what not, everything but their own self. Even if they did work with their self concept before they started the coaching with me, did not stay consistent with the work and went back to old habits.

Be the Change You Wish to See

But seriously. If you want to see any changes in your life, if you want to become the ideal version of you (I love to label it as Wild Woman, but really you can name it anything.), if you want to live the life you dream of, if you want to be in a healthy relationship then start identifying with that version of yourself who already lives in that state and stop going back to your old indentity. Your personality becomes your personal reality.

It’s as simple as that. Stop going back to your old ways, stop telling the old story. It does not exist. Stop looking at the world through the eyes of your old self, stop all of that and GO WITHIN!  And assume of the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Number one step when I start to coach someone is we define my client’s version of her inner Wild Woman, who she really is. How she would feel, think, behave, talk, walk if she would already embody that version of herself. 

And do not say that this is bullshit. I don’t care if you beleive in manifestation or not. Fact is you’re manifesting your ideal version of you, you have to become it. You have to embody her. Even if you do not believe in manifestation, it is a fact that nothing changes if nothing changes. Stop doing the same thing and expect different results, that is insanity!

This is how you bring your future self/ your ideal self into the now and persist in it every single day. When you are not seeing movement, do not care, just persist in your new version of yourself and things will catch up. It needs some time. Stop saying you’re not seeing movement, that everything is the same in the first place. What’s gonna happen is that your ego will try to survive. Your ego loves your comfort zone, it loves what is familiar so it will try to keep you in the old version of yourself. You came up with your desire, your new identity, you do the work, you say your affirmations, etc and then, stillnes comes about. Nothing seems to move. 

That’s when most people give up anything they do. They put in the work, want quick changes to happen, it doesn’t come as quick as they want, nothing seems to change and they give up. I want you to stay faithful in that moment. I want you to persist in that stillness when nothing seems to move, because trust me there is a lot moving in the background you just can’t sense it yet. It’s just a game of play pretend if you like and those win the game who can pretend in the stillness and keep doing the work when it seems like they work for nothing.

Like, seriously what is the worst that can happen? I want you to honestly answer that question. You will go back to the old life you’re trying to excape, but you are already in it! If  you’re impatient and stop doing the work, because nothing changed, well nothing changed. Everything will be the same. So you have nothing to lose, if you keep doing the things a little more, show up as your new self, do the practices, stick to the new habits a little more… what can you lose? You might as well just push a little longer, keep doing the practices a little more, keep showing up a little longer as your ideal self. But if it’s feel good to do the work, to do the new daily ritual, why would you give up? Even if nothing changes in your visible reality, it’s enough if you feel better, isn’t it? Who cares if the rest is coming or not, if you feel good, if you feel better. Why would you ruin that good that’s getting better by focusing on what is not here yet?

That is why I think ReWilding is more like manifesting. You have to become, you have to embody the state of having your desire (whatever that is). By becoming the ideal version of you who would have the life you want, you’ll get it. And you do not have to believe in manifestation, it’s just showing up in a different ways as before and you’ll see different results. 

 When you’re ReWilding yourself you’re basically manifesting that version of you. But by focusing on this now version of you who wants to be different,you only create more of it. You’re brain only gonna point out more things that separates you from what you want. You’re too like this and not like that, you don’t have this, you don’t have that. You’re brain is wired to validate you, so if you look for proof that you’re like this it will show you that yes, my darling you are. You have to stop looking at what you do not want and start looking at what you want. That is how you get form here to there.

Whenever something happens in my reality I do not like I say “No! Not in my reality” and I also take a look on how I react to the 3D, what’s going on around me. I notice how if I react, I’m acting from the place of my old version which I don’t even like anymore. Because let’s face it you wouldn’t want to change if you do like what you have now, but you do not like as it is, so you want something different, right?

So stop there and ask yourself
– Intstead of reacting the old way, how would you react in this situation if you would be the version of you who has your desires?
– If you would be the woman wild woman simbolises to you?
– If you would live your dream life?


You probably wouldn’t even react or would react in a loving way. That version of you wouldn’t get into a fight but would be looking for solution, staying peaceful , standing up for yourself et cetera et cetera

You can not always blame outside circumstances, but outside circumstances are not a reason for not taking accountability for your actions and thoughts. It is really time to take responsibility for the way you carry yourself, present yourself, the way you speak and think because it adds to your manifestation, or what you’re working towards. It’s not enough to affirm, of course do the affirmation, change your self concept but also act on the new self concept. You can’t carry the baggages of the past trauma and how you used to behave into your new personality, the new version of you.

The Beauty of Coaching

No, it’s not that you have to sign up and it will change your life. Because it will not. Nothing will change your life but you. You can pay millions of dollars for coaches, it’s just like the gym. If you buy a monthly ticket but you do not show up once, you won’t see the change. Same with coaching, working with a coach will not get any results for you if you do not do the work, if you don’t show up for yourself.

Whatever other coaches promise for you, there is no guarantee for success and in fact you don’t even need us. Think about a football team, they have a coach but they can play without a coach too, they don’t need anyone to tell them what to do how to do it because they know. But having a coach, who sees the game from an outside perspective and notices and gives advice is helpful. But even the coach tells to the players what to do, if they don’t apply what they are being told, it won’t work. 

Coaching is a team work. You do not need me as your coach but it can help you tremendously, if you are willing to show up. Now, coaching is not for everyone. If you don’t like to be told to try out different approaches, if you don’t like to be advised, if you think you already know it well or are lazy or simply you don’t have it bad enough to want to change, then probably it is not for you. But if you’re 100% committed to change, you’re open to receive new insights and perspectives and are willing to show up for yourself (because we both show up for you) then you’ll get it done. 

If you're ready to change you life and become your authentic self but feel like you need some guidance on the way,
feel free to drop me an email below with a brief summary of what you need guidance with.
Unleash your Inner Wild Woman

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