During Winter or Vata season when the world becomes cold and dry. It’s very  important to warm and hydrate both from the inside out and from the outside in to stay in balance. It’s not so much a season to change it up, but rather a time to calm the Vata dosha, and follow a routine.

I’ve been keeping certain things in mind and incorporating little changes that you can do, too. It’s not so much about trying to make new habits, but more about letting yourself indulge in what naturally feels good. Here’s a little rundown of what I’m doing as part of my winter daily routine to stay balanced. Give it a read, and hopefully you will find something that you can apply, too.


Set a Routine: Vata dosha is quick and changeable, so to balance that out, we have to find a routine that works for us. I’ll be the first to admit that doing so is tough. Even in a “normal world” but in quarantine as well, despite one would think it’s easy and finally they have time to set a routine and stick to it… What things can you stick to each and every day? For me, it’s a bit of stretching, if not a full yoga session in the morning. Maybe you can stick to having breakfast for the duration of the winter, or always write in your journal before bed. Whatever it is, try to make life melodic and smooth in these winter months.

Moisturize Hair & Skin from the Outside In: Winter tends to dry our bodies out. For me, I experience this especially with my hair. To combat the drying, I add oily Kapha elements from the outside in. There are so many natural moisturizers (coconut oil, shea butter, almond oil, etc.), but what’s important is that you use something. I used to go for a run even winter evenings (now I skip it ’cause of my leg injury), but I rubbed coconut oil into the bottoms of my hair before I left the house. When I got home I took a shower to wash it out. Not only does the coconut oil block the damage of the wind while running, but it also helps to moisturize like a hair mask.


Stick to Warm Foods: So your hair & skin dry out in winter, but bad news — your inside is dry, too. The Vata energy tends to make organs cold and dry, so to counteract this, you should stick to Kapha (warm & oily) foods. Instead of raw, eat cooked vegetables, add ghee or olive oil to a dish, avoid crisp apples, and start the morning off with a warming tea. Just remember, we’re trying to maintain balance, don’t over-do it with the oils and don’t feel bad if you eat something raw! Only add in a small amount of warm oily foods to coat and protect your organs. It’s still important to eat raw food for the high nutrition value.


Choose Warming Scents: A lot of people forget how impactful scent is for our overall energy and mood. While in the summer we tend to gravitate towards scents like mint and tea tree for personal care items, think about picking a warmer scent in winter. Recently, I picked up a herbal shampoo & conditioner from Lush with a spicier cinnamon smell to it. I’ve been loving the scent for winter, as it makes me feel warm and cozy after hopping out of the shower. The same applies for candles and perfumes – stick to something with warm notes to it.