The New Year is always exciting for me. I see it as an invitation for transformation, transitions and new beginnings.

Of course, time is a human construct and we always have the power to start anew. Yet the new year is a powerful time of reflection and intention setting that allows us to let go of things no longer serving us and step forward with new goals and clarity.

If you know me or follow my projects and work here on Raised by the Wolf or in Wild Woman Sisterhood, you know how important journaling is in my healing journey and my manifestation experience.

I carve out of my time nearly every single day to write in one of my journals (I have separate journal to each purposes – gratitude, manifestation, shadow work). Taking time to honor this transitional period can be truly rewarding and empowering.

So, I invite you to grab a pen and journal, pour yourself a cuppa or a glass of kombucha and jot down the answers to these questions below. Or you are also welcome to just read over them and ponder them 😉

Start by Looking Back Over the Past Year

🪶 What was the greatest moment of 2022 for you?

🪶What was the most challenging moment of 2022 for you?

🪶Were there any defining transitions that were pivotal for you in 2022?

🪶Do you have any regrets that you learned from over the last year?

🪶If you could describe the past year in one word, what would that word be?

🪶Did you say yes to something that made you happy or proud?

🪶If not, what was it that may have been holding you back in 2022?

🪶Is there a goal that you set for 2022 that you didn’t reach? If so, do you know why?

🪶 Were there goals that you set that you did achieve? If so, how did you celebrate these wins?

Take your time  to reflect on these questions and your answers. Do you see any patterns that you may not have been aware of? When you think of the moments that were challenging, can you find gratitude for the lessons that these times offered you?

You may find through this exercise that it was actually the harder moments that instigated the greatest lessons and growth. Oftentimes, it is our routines and habits that can create stagnancy and prevent us from growth and transformation.

Let’s look forward to 2023: a brand new year stretching out before you.

🪶 What skill did you gain in 2022 that you want to carry into and master in 2022?
🪶What is one thing you are choosing to let go of and leave behind as you step into the new year?
🪶 Think about one goal you have this year that you would love to achieve.
🪶What do you need to commit to make this goal a reality in 2023?
🪶Is there a relationship or habit that you are choosing to leave behind as you move forward?
🪶Aside from your one big goal above, what is another area of your life you wish to focus on more in 2023?
🪶What is one word you want to focus on for 2023? Make sure you write this word down and pop it somewhere you see it every day. 
🪶Can you think of anywhere in your life you need more support in 2023 on either a personal level or to reach your goals?
🪶What step can you take to find this support?

 Allow your goals to have a fluidity that allows for change as the journey unfolds. Keep checking in with yourself and allow your intuition (and not your fear or obligations) to guide you. It can sometimes feel as though life is happening out of our control but in reality, you are the captain, oh captain of your ship. While we cannot always control what life hands us, we can always control how we react and how we move forward. You have everything you need within you in this very moment to live the life of your wildest dreams. All you need to do is take the first step. 

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Unleash Your Inner Wild Woman